Friday, June 8, 2012

To be or Not to be?

So a friend of my mine asked  me a very interesting question the other day. She asked me why do black people have short hair, how come our hair isn't as long as other ethnicities. She has never seen a black person with long hair, she thought that we had to be mixed with another ethnic background to have long hair. Like her niece who is black and Serbian. This was a great question and made me think back to when I was little and wondered the same thing. Why do we have short hair and how come it doesn't grow as long as our sisters from another mother were questions I use to ask myself growing up. Why if we want length and body, we have to resort to weaves? So I told my non sista friend that there are lots of black women with long and healthy hair, our hairs just requires different maintenance and care. I told her that a little bit of TLC goes a long way. I then explained to her that my hair is not in its natural state, so I showed her some pictures from the internet on what natural hair looks like. Some of the women had hair all the way down their lower backs which amazed her. After informing her about what I know and from what I've learned, she too had a better understanding about natural and permed hair. Knowing what I now know about our hair, the question I ask myself is to be or not to be natural.  My permed hair is at its healthiest due to TLC and all the extra steps I take. I've done a lot of research on how to transition from a perm or cream crack as some call it, back to my natural hair but to be quite honest I am bit nervous. However it is a goal that I have in mind and told myself that by October I want to make my transition. : )

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