Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Hair vows

I vow to never put a perm in Niah's
I vow to never apply heat to her hair again unless it's absolutely necessary.
Below are pictures of Niah's hair blow dried... NEVER AGAIN, however her hair is growing rapidly. I didn't really know how to curl natural hair so I used a curling iron...NEVER AGAIN, so I did my home work and found many ways to curl her hair or to enhance her natural curls.

Since I started her hair care challenge I have switched the grease I use in her hair to organic root simulator coconut oil. On my journey for caring for natural hair I found that natural oils like coconut, olive, and jojoba oil is very good for our hair. I use this hair moisturizer and grease her scalp at lease twist a week and wash her hair once a week. Now I use an organic root simulator shampoo which as sulfate in it, which can dry out the hair and  eventual cause breakage so this is why I'm considering switching to one that is sulfate free. In the past I use to blow dry and oil Niah's hair before styling it, its been a month and a blow dryer as not touch her hair. My friend who is an advocate for natural hair gave me some helpful tips on how to stretch and dry natural hair. So now whenever I wash Niah's hair I towel dry her hair partial and apply coconut oil to her damped hair. I then put a few big braids in her hair and let it sit until I am ready to style it. For maximum stretching I remove the braids after 24 hours and re-braid. Because the back of her hair grow so rapidly and faster than the rest of her hair I trim her ends once every few months for even growth.  I also started a leave in conditioner/deep conditioner treatment, which I do three to four time a month.  Next week will be her first hot oil treatment... can't wait. On a path to a healthier and long hair.

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