Friday, January 18, 2013

What are your hair goals


  The overall goal is to achieve growth and maintain healthy hair for my daughter and myself. There are a few essential steps one must take to get to this goal.
  1. Patience: There are no magic pill or quick fixes to attain rapid growth. The secret to hair growth start with one primary factor and that is a healthy scalp. It is very important to maintain as much moisture as possible, you can do so by using moisture retention shampoo, moisturize your scalp a few times for the week, pre-poo with a natural oil, and cover your hair at night with a satin cap.
  2. ProductsWhy is it important to use products that are sulfate free? Sulfate is a salt or ester of sulfuric acid which creates that thick rich lather that most women desire. However it strips the hair of its natural oils, which can later cause dryness and breakage.  
  3. TLC:  A little tender love and care goes along way. Every now and then it is essential to massage your scalp for a few minutes, a good massage stimulates the hair follicles, it helps in strengthening of the hair roots and nourishing the hair shafts by spreading the natural oil. 
So remember to be patience and don't give up because anything worth having is worth working for.  

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